Dorian is a Cat 5, FTVLive is in the Cone

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Let’s be honest, the waiting is not easy.

I have lived in California, that has earthquakes. I have lived in Oklahoma, that has tornados. And I have lived in the Northeast, which has blizzards.

In Florida, we have hurricanes. Unlike earthquakes and tornados, with hurricanes, you get plenty of warning.

But, sometimes the waiting is the hardest part. You don’t sleep well. You can feel the stress level rise and no matter who you talk to, it is all about the storm.

Dorian sits in the Atlantic and continues to spin and grow stronger. The storm is on the edge of becoming a Category 5 and after that, there is no more categories. Cat 5 is the granddaddy of hurricanes and FTVLive is deep in the “cone of concern.”

Update: Dorian is now a Cat 5!!!!

You wait and you wonder? You wonder if this storm is headed your way and you wonder just how bad it’s going to be?

Right now, the projections have Dorian passing by the FTVLive World HQ to the East. That means as we are on the West side of the storm. Hurricanes spin counterclockwise and that will give Dorian a chance to pick up all that water from the ocean and dump it right on us.

Because she is moving so slow, it could mean historic flooding along with some very nasty wind. We may or may not take a direct hit, but it’s going to be bad. And waiting……is never easy.

Today, I will be doing some more preps, which include another trip back to the store. I bought a bunch of hurricane food, but I have eaten almost all of it.

Hey….you have to do something while you wait.