Trump Smacks Fox News

CNN’s media reporter Brian Stelter likes to say that Fox News is state TV and basically in the tank for Donald Trump.

But, then why is Trump attacking Fox News?

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After Trump’s Twitter rant, a few of the Fox News people chimed in to correct Trump and explain to him that they don’t work for the White House:

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Even Howard Kurtz, who is completely in the tank for Trump, took a wet noodle swipe back at the President:

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It is here that we should point out that Kurtz leans so far right, he hasn’t seen the “other side” in years.

As for Trump, he continues to attack the media for doing their job.

Often his targets are cable news, which we agree is often nothing close to real journalism.

But, Trump’s attacks on real Journalists show that he has no clue.

And then there is this:

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