The Lapdog Serving his Master
/Fox News media critic and Donald Trump lapdog Howard Kurtz was not happy when MSNBC did not take Trump’s rally to kick off his run for 2020. CNN only took a few minutes before dumping out, while Fox News covered the entire thing.
I can’t remember whether Obama had an official reelection launch or not and I surely can’t remember how the cable news stations covered it if he did.
But, I am sure that Obama did not stand before a crowd and telling people that the media was the “enemy of the people” as Trump did.
Also, the media was called out for all the free air time they gave Trump in 2016, does Kurtz really want them to repeat the same mistake in 2020?
I have called out CNN many times in the past, but I think the amount of time they gave Trump for his reelection announcement was perfect. They showed the beginning of the event, let Trump rant for a bit and then moved on.
This time CNN got it right, MSNBC and Fox News both did not.
And neither did Howie.
Just saying…