What is Up with This Baltimore Anchor? (Updated)

Mary Bubala

Mary Bubala

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh resigned from office and is currently under state and federal investigative scrutiny. About a decade ago, then Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon also resigned.

Both Pugh and Dixon are African American.

WJZ’s Mary Bubala was talking about the Baltimore Mayor job, when she asked this question of political analysis Kaye Whitehead, a professor of communication and African and African-American Studies at Loyola University Maryland.

“The question I have for you,” Bubala posed: “We’ve had three female African-American mayors in a row—they were all passionate public servants, two resigned, though. Is it a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward?”

Here is the video of that question that raised more than a few eyebrows:

The way Bubala posed the question it seems that she is saying that a black woman can not do the job.

After catching some well deserved heat for her question, Bubala tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube:

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Bubala has been with the CBS O&O since 2003.

A check of WJZ’s website this morning shows that Bubala’s bio appears to have been scrubbed from the station’s website and her picture is no longer on the Anchors, Reporters section on the station’s site. Her station branded Twitter page is still up and running.

So far, no comment from the station.

Stay tuned…

Update: The station has confirmed that Bubala is no longer employed by WJZ. The released this statement, “Mary Bubala is no longer a WJZ-TV employee. The station apologizes to its viewers for her remarks.” e43