EXCLUSIVE! Fox News Internal Emails Regarding Biden's Announcement

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As Joe Biden was making his announcement to run for President, Biden used the ugly scene from Charlottesville’s as a talking point to launch his run for President.

At Fox News, there was an internal email debate as to how to cover this?

FTVLive has exclusively obtained those internal emails.

Fox News Reporter Doug McKelway sent an email to his colleagues that basically said that Biden was lying and he quoted Winston Churchill.

Here is a portion of the email that also went onto quote the Biden transcript of the video:

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Fox News Reporter Cody Derespina chimed in with an example of one of the protestor’s stories:


Fox News White House Correspondent Jon Decker tried to bring a bit of reality to the email conversation.


Decker then poured cold water on the Churchill quote and said that both Derespina and McKelway should think about saying they are sorry for their Fox News colleagues:


At least Decker shows that not everyone at Fox News is whacked.