Pew Study: Trump Has Broken The Media

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Donald Trump has broken the media.

Or at least he has left it bruised and battered, according to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, which crunched reams of data collected from 50 surveys and found that while Democrats continue to have faith in American media, Trump’s followers are quite done with it all.

According to Pew, the stronger the support for the president, the harsher the attitude toward the Fourth Estate.

91% of Democrats say journalists are acting in the best interests of the public. Only 16% of Republicans say the same thing, Pew found.

“Republicans who strongly approve of the job Trump is doing are far more pessimistic in their evaluations of the news media than other Republicans. And Democrats who are most disapproving of Trump’s job performance are often more supportive of the news media than Democrats who disapprove less strongly,” the researchers concluded.

You have to wonder if you eliminated cable news completely, what would the Pew study have found.

Most people look at cable news as a legitimate news outlet, which they clearly are not. They are biased operations that use politics to try and get ratings.

H/T Washington Times