Using iPhones to Shoot the News


Yesterday, FTVLive told you that some ABC O&O’s are now training their Anchors and Reporters to shoot packages on their iPhones.

Word is that as Reporters are sent out on stories with Photographers, they are also being told to shoot the story on their phone. It is part of the training.

One person emailed FTVLive and says that Reporters for Spectrum News in LA have been doing this for a while and that the station brought in an “expert” to train the staff.

But that is a local cable news outlet and not an ABC O&O.

If ABC is going to start doing this at their O&O’s how long before other station follow suit?

I remember years ago when MMJ’s were entering small markets those in big markets thought it would not come to their stations.

Have you checked any big markets lately?

MMJ’s are everywhere now it seems.

One industry insider emailed FTVLive saying, “Here is another reason ABC is pushing iPhones at their O&O stations: it’s a way to get around the union. I have it on pretty good authority that NABET does not have jurisdiction over cellphones used in shoots.”

Could the News Photographer become extinct?

Time will tell, but the future does not look good.