Have a Seat Over There

KDVR (Denver) Reporter Kevin Torres walked into the newsroom and noticed that someone had swapped out his chair for a broken one.

Like the kids do now-a-days, he took to social media to complain that he chair was swiped.

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It appears that KDVR General Manager Joan Barrett reads social media, because shortly after Torres’ post, this memo went out to the staff and was obtained by FTVLive:

Reminder – no one needs to sit on a broken chair. This is no reason to swipe someone else’s chair. Just turn in a building ticket in the Tech Den that your chair is broken and that you need a new one.

If we have a need for chairs -PLEASE SPEAK UP NOW -I’d like to purchase them before the end of the year.

So – if your chair is broken turn in a ticket this week please.


Joan M. Barrett

Vice President/General Manager


I have two words for Nexstar….Standup Desks.

Think of all the money you will save not having a single chair in the entire building at all 192 stations.

You’re welcome.