This Shit Has to Stop

Alexi McCammond is a Reporter with Axios and she became part of the story when TBS analyst and former NBA star Charles Barkley made some crude remarks to her.

Which McCammond then posted about:

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She then followed up saying, "I hate being part of a story so here's a reminder that this is so much bigger than me: nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence," she wrote, citing data from National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Now it gets even worse for the Reporter with emails like this one, which she posted:

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Every time I think for just a second that maybe the blatant racism in this world might be getting a bit better, I see shit like this.

When FTVLive writes about the need for more minorities in TV news and especially in the corner office, I get hate mail. I made a trip to NABJ this year, I got emails saying that it proves I’m a “n**ger lover.”

This stuff pisses me off to no end.

The idea that Alexi McCammond got this kind of mail is wrong on so many levels.

If the color of a person’s skin really offends you that much, fine, be a bigot. But why tell everyone you're a racist and send emails to people.

Just put on your robe, go to your meetings with your racist friends and shut the fuck up.