Mr. Republican Talking Points

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called out Sinclair Reporter James Rosen during a press conference.

During a press briefing, Rosen asked Pelosi about the federally-protected whistleblower who alerted the government to President Donald Trump’s now-infamous call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rosen asked Pelosi why “the legal rights of the whistleblower should prevail in this political setting over those of President Trump who should ordinarily enjoy the right to confront his accuser.”

“I will say this to you, Mr. Republican Talking Points,” Pelosi responded. “When you talk about the whistleblower, we’re coming into my wheelhouse. I have more experience in intelligence than anybody in Congress, than anybody who has ever served, 25 years on the committee as top Democrat. I was there when we wrote the whistleblower laws. The whistleblower is there to speak truth to power and have protection for doing that, any retribution or harm coming to a whistleblower undermines our ability to hear truth about power.”

Mr. Republican Talking Points?


H/T Mediaite