DC Station Opts Out of Impeachment Hearings


According to Broadcasting and Cable, Fox O&O WTTG in Washington, DC was the lone Major network affiliate in the Nation's Capital not to cover the first day of House impeachment inquiry hearings live on Wednesday.

While the ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates were all preempting regular broadcast fare to carry their network's coverage, WTTG was counter-programming with its regular lineup.

It is not clear if WTTG General Manager Patrick Paolini did not want to give up the revenue, or he did not want his station’s viewers to see the evidence against Donald Trump.

By most accounts, Paolini leans hard right, loves Trump and the GOP and looking at his retweets, during the impeachment hearings, it shows where his political bias lays.

Instead of airing the hearings and let the WTTG viewers make up their minds. Paolini stops the hearings happening right down the street from going on his air and then retweets items that are pro-Trump on his Twitter page.

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

I wonder, if it was President Obama being impeached, would WTTG be airing the hearings? I’m going to say Hell Yes.

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