Stop Watching Us

While most Anchors and Hosts are often asking viewers to tune and and watch us, one MSNBC host is asking at least one viewer to stop watching her show.

Greta Van Susteren pointed out something that we have said for quite awhile now. The folks at the cable news channels need to stop watching each other and focus on their own shows.

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MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski did not like the fact that Van Susteren called he show out. She shot back at Greta saying, “Then please stop watching us. What a disturbing tweet. This is about corruption in the Presidency and the hosts that promulgate the President’s lies. A shame not to recognize the importance of this moment.”

We agree with Greta that these networks need to stop focusing on each other and do a better job on their channel.

Sadly, that is not going to happen, CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter is writing a book on Fox News, his main obsession.

H/T The Daily Caller