Kid Arrested for Shooting Reporter with BB Gun


WMBD (Peoria) Reporter Matt Sheehan was walking out of the station when he felt a sharp pain in his leg.

“I think I just got shot,” Sheehan told a co-worker that he was with.

Sheehan was hit in his left leg from a round fired from a BB gun.

A 14-year-old was accused of firing the shot that struck Sheehan, according to him and Shaun Newell, WMBD/WYZZ’s News Director. Before the shooting, the kid apparently was roaming the station parking lot and checking if vehicle doors were unlocked.

Police arrested the suspect.

As for Sheehan, the BB apparently left a mark but didn’t break his skin. He went about his regular business the rest of the day, Newell stated.

H/T Peoria Journal Star