The Best Person in TV News for 2018 - No. 1


We have made it to the top of the list and it was an easy choice.

FTVLive heads to Chicago and back to WGN to find the Best Person in TV News for 2018.

In 2015, WGN Anchor Robin Baumgarten topped the FTVLive list (along with NBC Anchor Lester Holt). In 2016, WGN’s Paul Konrad almost took the top spot, coming in at No. 2.

For 2018, another WGN staff makes the list and she works for the “B” Team.

FTVLive’s pick for the top is WGN Meteorologist Morgan Kolkmeyer.

Kolkmeyer does the weather for WGN’s early morning newscast and often fills on on the station’s main morning news. Kolkmeyer and her early morning co-anchors humbly refer to themselves as the “B” team.

And, when it comes to being humble, Kolkmeyer is the definition of that. She is self depreciating and has no problem being the butt of the joke.

She can roll with the punches as well as anyone. When a viewer asked her if she was pregnant (she’s not) that would have sent many talent to the ledge of a tall building.

Kolkmeyer took the comment in stride on social media:

When Kolkmeyer first came to WGN, many inside the station wondered if she would “fit in” with the morning show. They quickly found out that she was perfect for the show and the crew that host Chicago’s No. 1 morning newscast.

But, Kolkmeyer is much more than just joking and self depreciating, she really is into weather. No one gets more excited for a storm moving in that Morgan (well maybe this guy).

She LOVES weather and loves predicting the weather. She is very smart and and have you ever seen someone so excited to tell you about wind chills and black ice?

Sitting at the top of Kolkmeyer’s Twitter page is this pinned tweet:

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How many people working in TV news have that feeling?

Morgan bleeds positive energy and it carries over to the job she does on air. And that, is what makes Morgan Kolkmeyer FTVLIve’s Best Person in TV News for 2018.

Now, you may have noticed that all those topping the best list were female. In a year of #MeToo, FTVLive thought that it only seemed fitting that the women that in this industry needed to be singled out for the work they do.

All those on the Worst list were male and although that was not the plan, it might tell you everything you need to know.

That caps off the FTVLive Best and Worst People in TV News for 2018.