It's Storm Fox


Look on the road!

It's it a bird?

A news car? 

NO!!!! ....... It's Storm Fox 4!

And it was just unveiled by Scripps owned WFTX (Ft. Myers). 

We haven't seen the promo yet, but we are certain that Storm Fox 4 is one of a kind vehicle, equipped with "state of the art technology" that will be able to take viewers "inside the storm" and broadcast live video through "cellular technology" using GoPro's......errrrrr.......cameras that take you "into the storm as we roll to the scene."

Being a 4-wheel drive jeep.....errrrrrrr..... Storm Fox means that this news vehicle will be able to "take viewers through the snow and ice and right to the heart of the story."

You know.....if it wasn't based at a station in Florida.    
