No Charges Filed Against Philly Weather Anchor

On June 15th, FTVLive told you that a woman claimed that she was assaulted by WPVI meteorologist Cecily Tynan at a U2 concert. 

The police and prosecutors don't think so. 

Brittany Lewandowski, reportedly filed a private criminal complaint against Tynan after Philadelphia police declined to arrest Tynan. 

Police did not arrest Tynan at the concert as they did not believe a crime took place. Now, the DA's office is weighing in and they also say that no crime took place. 

The office of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner says that it won’t be filing criminal charges against Tynan following the allegations. 

Lewandowski has 30 days from the decision to appeal and ask the DA’s office to reconsider. But she’s not so sure that she wants to go down that path.

“I haven’t decided,” Lewandowski told Philly Mag. “I really have to think: Do I want her followers that praise her to keep attacking me? They’ve body-shamed me plus a lot more … [and] I do have a full plate at home.”

Lewandowski, she said that before the concert she had no idea who Cecily Tynan was. Why? Because she watches only Fox 29 news. 

When asked Lewandowski whether she thought Tynan’s celebrity status affected the outcome of the DA’s inquiry.

“Probably,” she said. “I doubt they [really] looked into it because of it.”