Life After the Casey Anthony Trial

When it comes to trials here in the Sunshine State, there have not been many bigger than the trial of Casey Anthony, who was found not guilty of killing her daughter Caylee. 

Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who oversaw the trial has left the bench and is not a legal analyst for WFTV in Orlando. 

He took part in an Ask Me Anything and here is some of what he had to say: 

Q: What was life like for you after the trial ended?
A: My life has been like living in a fish bowl. Ten years later people still ask me about the trial or make comments about the case.

Q: What would you say to Casey if you had a chance to sit down with her?
A: I would say just simply tell us truthfully what happen to your Caylee.

Q: What was going through the case and its length and all its publicity like for you?
A: Behind the scenes there was a great deal of work to be done in prep for the trial and work to keep the trial going. My life during that trial was very different. I could not go anywhere without my fellow citizens either asking me query or just looking at me. Life in the fish bowl.

Q: It is widely believed Casey Anthony is guilty in her daughter's death to some degree. In your opinion, who fell short of getting a conviction? OCSO? Jeff Ashton? Or is the defense simply worthy of praise?

A: It would be hard to place blame in this case as to why there was a verdict of not guilty. The defense did an excellent job of creating reasonable doubt. Some people would say that the State asking for the death penalty played a role in the jury decision. Some would say the missed evidence on the computer search played a role. Some would say the personalities of attorneys played a role. It's very hard to pick any one thing that cause the not guilty verdict.

My life after the bench has been great. I have been able to travel, spend more time at home and practice a little personal injury law. Sometime I do miss public service.