It is an Honor


Yesterday we told you that Honor needed help. 

Honor is a golden retriever that was born without her back right paw.

She was in training to be a service dog but her disability made this impossible for her to do all her tasks. But instead of casting her aside, they they found a different plan for Honor.

After a lot of hard work and dedication Honor’s Handler got approval for Honor to be the Facility Dog at the VA Medical Center in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Honor now spends her days bringing love and joy to Veterans and employees of the Medical Center. She makes people smile and changes the atmosphere of the hospital the minute she arrives.

Yesterday was asked if you would help this dog with her medical expenses. Honor is in pain and needs a new prosthetic to help her get around. 

Let's be honest, TV people are very cheap. Just talk to a waitress or a cab driver in any TV convention city and ask how they are doing on tips? And you will see my point. 

But, I'm happy to say that a number of you did step up and helped Honor out. An ABC executive, a GM in the Midwest, a couple of News Directors and TV agents were just some of the people that donated money to help this dog no longer be in pain. 

I don't know this dog and I never met this dog, but when it comes to animals and our Vets, I am willing to help out when I can and I'm glad some of you did as well.

Yesterday, when I posted Honor's story, only $500 of the $2500 goal had been raised. Thanks to many of you people in TV news, they have reached almost $2000 and are just $500 away. 

I gave another $50 this morning and I hope that some of you that did not have a chance to help this poor dog out, will see it in your heart to get Honor to the $2500 goal. 

As for me, being able to bring her need into the spotlight and the chance to donate a few bucks, it truly has been....shall I say it..... An Honor. 

Here is the GoFundMe page if you feel the urge to help.