"If You have an Agenda, You don't Belong in this Business"


The three network Anchors were on the same stage in Las Vegas talking about Today's TV news. 

When talking about President Trump's  attacks against the media, NBC's Lester Holt weighed in with this. 

"I don't think you can tweet away or insult away the years of integrity and trust that were built by these three organizations, so I don't think we're in danger on that level," Holt said in reference Trump's tweets aimed at the Fourth Estate.

"We are reporting to a divided America," ABC News' David Muir said during the panel that marked the first time the three anchors from ABC, NBC and CBS have been on stage together.

"I think there's half of the country that's still saying, 'How did this happen?' And the other half of the country saying, 'You've got to give this guy a chance.'" 

CBS News anchor Jeff Glor weighed in on the coverage of Trump and cable news. 

"If you have an agenda, you don't belong in this business," Glor replied. "We're not trying to promote an agenda, one way or the other. We're trying to do the best news cast we can every night."

When asked about cable news, which draws more attention because of its 24/7 nature and provocative, oftentimes partisan opinions, Muir jabbed that the medium is increasingly a place "where you're going to hear your thoughts back to yourself." 

So very true. 

H/T The Hill