DC Fox Station is On The Move


It looks like you might soon be able to rent out the space that currently houses WTTG as a place to live. 

The Fox O&O is planning on moving down the street and a developer wants to knock down the old station make way for high-rise apartments. 

Donohoe Development recently gave a presentation regarding their plans for the WTTG Fox 5 television station headquarters along Wisconsin Avenue.

Assuming the community is supportive, Donohoe plans to seek a map amendment and a planned-unit development that would enable the company to raze and replace the office building and radio tower with 280 apartments and 17,000 square feet of commercial space.

The new mixed-use development would center around a six-story, 65 foot-tall building with penthouse. The developer envisions the street-level space as a full-service restaurant with outdoor seating. 

If the community and zoning officials are on-board with the development, work could begin in 2022, putting delivery as early as mid-2023. If redevelopment isn't feasible, Donohoe will try to find another tenant for the existing space (and tower).

WTTG plans to relocate to the Apex building further north on Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda after their lease ends (and their new space is completed) in June 2021.

The station has been based at its current location since 1966.

H/T Urban Turf