The Company You Keep

Mom used to say that you will be judged by the company you keep. 

Not many people in cable news love themselves more than CNN's Don Lemon (OK...maybe Brian Stelter). 

Lemon loves to show that he is hanging out with the power people and you are not. 

So, let's look at some of the people Mr. Lemon likes to share his snaps with. 

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Yep, that's Don Lemon and Charlie Rose right there. I wonder what happened to Mr. Rose? 

Here's Don with Morgan Freeman. Lemon bragged on social media that Freeman sang Happy Birthday to him. Of course, Freeman is now making news for all the wrong reasons. 

And here's Don arm and arm around Harvey Weinstein. The same arms that were in handcuffs last week when Weinstein was arrested. 

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Might want to back off the selfies for a bit Don, you don't seem to be having much luck. 

Just a thought...