That Didn't Last Long


On March 8th, FTVLive told you that former Philly TV Weather Anchor John Bolaris said he was giving up forecasting after he missed badly on predicting a big storm. 

At the time, he said that he would never give another weather prediction in public. 

On March 8th, FTVLive wrote, "He might no longer predict the weather, but we don't think for a second that people have heard the last of John Bolaris. There is one thing that he loves more than weather and that's the spotlight.  You will see and hear from him again. That's our prediction and we are sticking with it." 

Guess what? 

As another storm takes aim at the Northeast, guess who is back on social media talking about it? 

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We told you he would be back. 

Unlike John's forecasts, FTVLive's are always accurate.