Do you Want Some Cheese with that Whine?

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Adam Bagni now works for KPNX in Phoenix, but he used to work for Sinclair owned WJAR. 

Bagni was the source of a number of "news bloopers" that were posted on YouTube and he is not happy about it. In fact, Bagni demanded that YouTube take down the videos of him. 

YouTube correctly told him that he is not the copyright holder of the video and therefore he has no right to make those demands. 

Not pleased by that, Bagni decided to then write Sinclair and ask them to talk to YouTube and force them to take down the embarrassing videos of him.

FTVLive has obtained a copy of his email to Sinclair.

Obviously, Mr. Bagni skipped the part of J-School about "fair use." He can whine and cry all he wants, but his bloopers are part of "fair use" and they will remain on YouTube no matter how hard he stamps his feet. 

Here is the letter he wrote Sinclair, begging them to have the videos removed: 

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