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Remember Joie Chen?

She was the former Reporter at CNN and then CBS before being one of those that made the mistake of heading to Al Jazeera America. 

Well, Chen has now found life after TV news and she is headed back to Medill.

But this time she won't be a student. 

Chen has been named the director of Medill programs, Washington, D.C.

In her new role at Medill, Chen will lead the strategy, extra-curricular programs, activities, partnerships and operations of Medill’s Washington, D.C., campus.

“Every success I’ve ever had in my professional life I owe in some way to Medill,” said Chen, who is a Medill alumna. “It’s an enormous honor for me to support the next generation of Medillians as they begin their careers. I look forward to helping to create new opportunities for them and to keeping Medill at the forefront of journalism education.”

"Joie’s career experiences and achievements at the highest levels of network news will allow Medill to build on the more than half-century legacy of our Washington program," said Tim Franklin, senior associate dean at Medill. "Joie will take the lead in growing our D.C. program for the future, creating more opportunities for students, new initiatives for working professionals and timely public events on critical issues facing the news media and our nation."

H/T Medill