CBS Adds Another Body to Morning News
/It used to be, you tuned into the network morning news and a couple of people would give you latest from sitting behind a desk.
But now, network morning shows have entire cast of people that are helping America wake up.
The news desk is now often a couch, packed with talent.
The one hold out was CBS Morning news. CBS was doing the morning show with 3 people, no orange room or curvy couch in sight.
But now, CBS has decided to add another person to the mix, making their morning show to look like everyone else.
CBS announced that they have added Bianna Golodryga to its morning host roster at “CBS This Morning,”
“In the last year Bianna has become a tremendous asset to all of us at CTM,” said Ryan Kadro, executive producer of the program, in a statement. “She is a superb broadcaster and journalist, and we look forward to having her at the table, or reporting in the field, every day.”
How long before you see David Rhodes at Ikea looking for a curvy couch?