MSNBC Reporter: Blame Fox News

While the investigation into the bombs that were sent to highly visible Democrats and CNN is continuing, an MSNBC Reporter that you never heard of is blaming Fox News.

MSNBC’s Ben Collins says that you can blame Sean Hannity and others at Fox News for the bombs.

He tweeted this out:

While we don’t entirely disagree with what Collins tweeted, he is doing the same thing that he’s accusing Fox News of doing.

Instead of stoking the fear and anger of the right, he is doing the same thing to the left.

If a bomb ends up in Fox News’ mailbox, do we then blame Ben Collins?

It is time for cable news on both sides to stop getting their viewers worked up with fear and hate. You guys are doing everything you can to divide this country and it is working.

Are you proud of that? Are you happy to go to work each day thinking how you will spread the hate of the other side?

I know that the President is doing the same thing, but cable news can and should be better than that.

Just stop.
