Don't Look for Him to Return (Update)

When ABC News suspended Chief Investigative Reporter Brian Ross for a botched report, we figured he was done.

The network suspended Ross for 4 weeks after he reported that Micheal Flynn would testify that Donald Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate. 

Well, the 4 weeks is up and Ross has not returned. 

Word is that the two sides are in the final stages of a separation agreement that will see Ross gone from ABC News.

Update: Ross is returning, but not to the ABC News building. CNN reports that he will be moving to Lincoln Square Productions, a separate unit of ABC that is based a few blocks away from the news division headquarters.

Ross and his longtime producer Rhonda Schwartz, ABC's chief of investigative projects, will work on "long-term projects" like prime time documentaries, according to two sources with knowledge of the plan.

Ross will start there on Monday, one of the sources said.