Cooper Sticks up for the Cannabis News Network

Anderson Cooper stopped by the CBS Late Show and tried to stick up for CNN showing pot smokers during their New Year's Eve coverage. 

“First of all, it’s legal in Colorado. We are grown adults and she did not smoke obviously,” Cooper said of CNN Reporter Randi Kaye’s broadcast. “The whole thing surprised me as much as anyone else.”

CNN has caught well deserved flack for Kaye's reports which one included her holding a joint and another in which she lit a bong for a guy. 

It was another embarrassing moment for CNN, but it surely won't be the last of 2018. 

A number of CNN staffers have reached out to FTVLive saying that they were "embarrassed, shocked and pissed" that the network lets this crap on the air. 

But, it is apparent that CNN boss Jeff Zucker doesn't care about credibility just as long as people are talking about it. 

Even if the talk includes complete disgust for the used to be news network.