Taking it to the Net

The FTVLive Netcast featuring Lauren Sivan had more streams in the first day then our episode 1 newscast has had ever. 

As for the cities that most streamed the FTVLive Netcast. New York topped the list, followed by LA, Orlando, Chicago, Phoenix, Atlanta, St. Louis, Columbus, Houston and Pittsburgh rounding out the top 10. 

Sivan pulled no punches in her interview and talked about life in TV news, small market TV, doing the news in LA, Fox News and getting sent a ton of dick pics. It was classic Lauren Sivan and it is well worth listening to. 

If you haven't tuned in, you can listen down below. Next week WGN Morning News Anchor Paul Konrad stops by the FTVLive Netcast. 

At this point, you can't stop the FTVLive Netcast, you can only hope to contain it.