Sometimes You Just Have to Sit Back and Shake your Head

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Yesterday, FTVLive showed you how members of the media were railing on the NFL players that decided to practice their first amendment right to a silent protest.  

We pointed to a Facebook post from WACH (Columbia, SC) Anchor/Reporter Natalie Parsons. 

Parsons told the NFL players that took a knee that they should not, "DARE not disrespect flag and the national anthem which is the core of what this country is supposed to be."

Well, Parsons did not like the fact that her personal views were shared on FTVLive and sent along this email: 


My name is Natalie Parsons and I am the WACH FOX Anchor/Reporter that you included in the following posting...

Although I am very flattered that you would include me in a posting on your website, I am also incredibly appalled at this invasion of privacy being that the posting you shared was taken from my personal and private Facebook page. I kindly request that you please remove it from your "He Wasn't The Only One" posting immediately. 

Thank you for your attention in this matter! 

Thank you, 
Natalie Parsons

Now, we could try to explain to Ms. Parsons about how a posting on Facebook is not private and how she herself is a "public" person. We could also try and explain how the people that defended that very same flag, gave those on the football field the ability to be able to take a knee, but I'm not sure she would understand. 

It is the same right that gave Parsons the right to say that she hates Republicans and Democrats in her post on Facebook. 

It's also the same right that let's FTVLive report on what the Reporter said. 

It's a bit messed up right now, but the United States of America is and will always be the greatest country in the world and thanks to freedom of speech for being at the top of the Constitution.