The Lack Of Journalism Ethics


Last week FTVLive FIRST told you that former longtime WPIX Anchor Sukanya Krishnan was joining Fox O&O WNYW as the station's new morning Anchor.

Even people inside WNYW did not know that it was happening until reading the story on FTVLive.

Then on Monday, FTVLive was the FIRST to tell you that Krishnan had indeed resurfaced (just as we said she would) on WNYW first thing Monday morning. 

No other blog, website or newspaper touched the story for 5 days. No one could get confirmation of FTVLive's EXCLUSIVE story. 

Then finally yesterday, the pay TV website that has a history of poaching stories from FTVLive with no attribution wrote about Krishnan joining WNYW. Of course, they gave no credit to FTVLive for breaking the news 5 days earlier.

Later in the day, TVSpy reported the news also with no credit to FTVLive. Then yesterday afternoon, TVNewsCheck linked to the TVSpy story even though they knew FTVLive was first (by 5 days) to report the story. 

FTVLive continues to be fanatical about giving credit and hat tips to the sites and papers when we use their stories. 

These three websites can not do the right thing and their ethics has to be called into question. 

We will continue to call out these thieves until they can learn to do what is right.

They are jealous that FTVLive beats you time and time again, but don't you still think you should have the decency to do what is right?

I mean Journalists are the people that are reading our sites, at least try and show a little integrity. 

Oh, by the way, When former WABC Anchor Lori Stokes joins WNYW later this Fall, you guys will have another chance to redeem yourself and say that FTVLive FIRST reported the news back in August. 

When you don't do it (which let's be honest you can teach old dog new ethics) we'll be there to call you out again.  

Just like it says in the FTVLive Manifesto.