San Francisco Anchor Installs and Then Deletes App

KGO Morning Anchor Reggie Aqui downloaded and tried the new app Sarahah.

If you don't know what Sarahah is.... it's an app that unlike social media, the twist to Sarahah is that people comment about you anonymously and with no other purpose than to tell you something about yourself.  No one but you sees it, and you can't comment back.

This is definitely not a good app for big ego news people.

Aqui tried the app and then deleted it, but not for the reasons you think. 

He writes, in the 24 hours I tried it, people said (mostly) kind things. Keep in mind, I'm not exactly an average user. I'm a news anchor in San Francisco, and most of the people who were commenting probably don't actually know me. They are responding to who they perceive me to be on TV.

I get unsolicited feedback from strangers all the time in this job, so I'm accustomed to the highs and lows of it.

Still, I wasn't ready for what Sarahah was about to dish up.

I was reading this comment as I was walking to the gym yesterday and I found myself nearly crying: "You're a role model to those near and far -- and for me -- a model of how to live life as an out and proud gay man -- something I struggle with to this day because many days, I feel like a puzzle piece that just won't fit."

I would have never known someone felt that way had I not tried this app. It moved me, even though my next thought was, "This person is giving me credit I don't deserve."

As I scrolled down more, I saw a nice comment from someone who says he or she went to middle school with me. I got wardrobe advice: "Sometimes the suit jackets are a little boxy-looking."

Of course, I also got "thirsty" comments from people, who I can only assume, are kidding: "Please do all my calculus homework for nudes." That was super weird, but it also made me laugh, mostly because I needed a tutor for calculus.

I also had to block some commenters who said offensive things about me and my husband and even my dog. I'm used to seeing that from time to time in regular social media so it wasn't hard to shrug off. Still, there's a cumulative effect that can get you down even if you think your ego can handle it.

In the end, I don't regret downloading the app. I discovered a few things I found inspiring. But I'm going to delete Sarahah.

I'm not deleting it because it hurt my feelings -- but because it boosted them. I'm already a little worried social media is making me dependent on constant positive feedback from friends, family and total strangers.

Ultimately, it's not going to do me much good.

Still, to whoever sent me that message about me being a "role model," I'm grateful. You proved reading comments can, sometimes, give a person hope.

And now, sayonara Sarahah.