Gee.... Why is That Howie?

There is no doubt that 2017 saw Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz become nothing but a spineless sellout that spends all hours of the day trying to kiss Donald Trump's ass. 

At one point, Kurtz's show on Fox News was miles ahead of CNN. But, in 2017, Kurtz saw his show drop from the lead. 

The one-time media critic is now nothing more than a lacky lapdog for Trump's administration. 

Here is a tweet he recently sent out: 

Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 8.33.07 AM.png

Now, if Kurtz had been paying even the smallest bit of attention, he would know that the White House history for telling the truth is not very good, not good at all. 

Also, his own network has people on it every day calling on Trump to fire Mueller.

At one point, Howard Kurtz might have been a good media critic, but now he's a guy willing to just tow the GOP line and collect a paycheck. 

Quoting his BFF..... SAD!