Teaching Aid...


Journalism Professors often email FTVLive and tell us how they use this website as a teaching aid in their classes. 

"Your site gives me the chance to show the students what is happening in newsrooms around the country," said one Professor in an email to FTVLive. 

Lately, we have been showing you the social media posts of WCNC (Charlotte) Anchor Bill McGinty. 

Well, it appears that his posts will also become a lesson for J-school students, but not in a good way. 

This was sent to us on Social Media by a person that works in a top market. For obvious reasons, we will not name the person or station: 

"I'm in charge of the intern program at my station and want to use all of the Bill McGinty stuff as an example of how totally blow objectivity out the window along with journalistic credibility."

Congrats Bill McGinty, you are having an impact on future Journalists.

Your station and bosses must be so proud.