John Boehner: Blame the Media

Politico did a long story about former House Speaking John Bohner that includes pictures of him cutting his grass, working on his lawnmower and putting on his golf shoes. 

But, there is one part of the article, where the former Speaker says something that FTVLive has been saying for years. 

When it comes to this country being so divided and showing so much hate for each other, you can blame cable news. 

When you hate non stop hate from the right coming from Fox News and hate from the left coming from CNN and MSNBC, people watch it and buy into it. 

Bohner basically agrees with FTVLive and at one point he said that he met with Fox News mouth Sean Hannity to try and stop it. 

Politico writes, Boehner replies. “It was modern-day media, and social media, that kept pushing people further right and further left. People started to figure out … they could choose where to get their news. And so what do people do? They choose places they agree with, reinforcing the divide.”

He continues: “I always liked Rush [Limbaugh]. When I went to Palm Beach I would always meet with Rush and we’d go play golf. But you know, who was that right-wing guy, [Mark] Levin? He went really crazy right and got a big audience, and he dragged [Sean] Hannity to the dark side. He dragged Rush to the dark side. And these guys—I used to talk to them all the time. And suddenly they’re beating the living shit out of me.” Boehner, seated in his favorite recliner, lights another cigarette. “I had a conversation with Hannity, probably about the beginning of 2015. I called him and said, ‘Listen, you’re nuts.’ We had this really blunt conversation. Things were better for a few months, and then it got back to being the same-old, same-old. Because I wasn’t going to be a right-wing idiot.”

Of course, Hannity didn't like being called a right wing idiot and tweeted out this after the story came out. 

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Failed or not, Boehner is right, this country is greatly divided because of the idiots like Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow and the people that put them, and those like them on the air.