Twin Cities Reporter Looking at Life After Losing her Leg

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How would you feel if you suddenly lost one of your legs? 

Depressed? Upset? Pissed? 

No one would blame you for any of those feelings, but now meet KMSP Reporter Courtney Godfrey. 

Godfrey's foot was essentially chopped off by a motorboat propeller, and a week later she’s excited about the possibility of making something great out of it.

Godfrey was thrown from a boat during a day of wakeboarding and water skiing with family on Christmas Lake in Hennepin County. Her left foot was struck by the boat’s propeller.

“I remember everything, even though it doesn’t really make a lot of sense because it was so disorienting,” she said. “I was underwater and tumbling around. I felt my foot hit something. I remember I thought my foot hit the bottom of the lake, which doesn’t make any sense because it was too deep, but I was so disoriented. I thought maybe I had broken my foot.”

Before the surgery that would eventually leave her lower leg amputated about mid-calf, she told doctors: “Please, if you could, save my foot. I love shoes, and I want to be able to wear two shoes!”

She has kept an awesome attitude, despite the horrible accident. This was her post to Facebook after the accident: 

Godfrey wants to return to work “as soon as I can.” Her voice exudes not duty, but eagerness.

“I’ve chosen positivity,” she said. “You can let this bring you down and take you into a deep depression, or you can try to find the good in it. I’m choosing the latter because, I don’t know, I’ve always been positive.”

Just such an impressive attitude and FTVLive wishes Courtney nothing but the best. 

H/T Pioneer Press