The Worst Person in TV News No. - 5

We kick off the list with the 5th Worst person in TV news in 2016 and it is.......

Dave Lougee the President of TEGNA Media. 

2016 was the year of the Tegna buyout and we watched some very good people be told they could take the buyout or likely be pushed out. 

Stations saw sometimes hundreds of years of experience walk out the door in April. It was a blood letting that Lougee oversaw. 

And the blood never really stopped flowing. The year ended with employees at Tegna stations being told they were laid off or that their contract was not being renewed. 

Despite the fact that Tegna will report record profits for the last quarter, the company wants shed employees to pad their pockets even more. 

Journalism took a back seat to the mighty dollar and Dave Lougee let it all happen on his watch. 

Sadly Lougee is a former News Director that really cares little about news anymore. And that lands him on our list of one of the Worst people in TV news in 2016. 

Comeback next hour as we tell you who is the 5th BEST person in TV news....