Hitting the Road
/Back at the end of October, a friend took a picture of me on the golf course so I could look at the position of my arms at the top of my golf swing.
I was Shocked!
Not at my golf swing (that looked OK) but at how FAT I was! In that picture! I was as heavy as I have ever been. There was no hiding it, I was a fat slob.
I knew then I needed to do something. I told myself that starting November 1st, I was going to start working out.
You can never start a diet or working out the next day, you have to set the date. That way I had one more week to eat whatever I wanted and just pack on some more pounds.
When November 1st came around, I decided I would hop on my mountain bike and ride. Of course.... I needed to put air in the tires since it had been so long since I had last ridden the thing.
I brushed the cobwebs off the bike, jumped on and proceeded to make it to the end of my street before I was gassed.
I pushed myself and I rode a total of about 4 miles. Then I came back got in my home gym (a place I had not been in almost a year) and did a brief (and I mean brief) workout.
Each morning, I got back on that bike and rode.
In December I bought a Road Bike (pictured) and put the Mountain Bike back in the garage.
It's been over 90 days since I first jumped on the bike and I have ridden everyday except 5 in that time.
One Sunday in late February, I decided to ride 50 miles at one time. Much longer than I had ever gone before. I pulled it off and I wasn't even sore the next day. I had come a long way from the guy that was gassed by the end of his street.
I have come to love riding my bike. It's a great workout and an awesome way to take away the stress. I look forward to getting on my bike each morning and peddling my way to a place I can eat a healthy breakfast.
After breakfast I don't eat that healthy, but I am doing better than I did in the past and I might still be a slob, but I'm no longer a fat slob.
And that feels pretty good.
If you're looking for a way to improve your health and burn off some stress, grab a bike and go. You might find out that you enjoy it as much as I do.