Helping Out the OKC Stations

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WDSU in New Orleans is pitching in to help out their sister station in Oklahoma City.​

WDSU is sending their website Managing Editor Clint ​Durrett and their 10PM producer to KOCO in OKC to help pitch in with coverage.

OKC stations have been going wall to wall since the tornado hit and will be doing so for quite awhile.​

Both KOCO and WDSU are owned by Hearst. Word is other Hearst stations are also sending staff to help KOCO with the coverage and to help give some KOCO staffers time for well deserved rest. ​

It was a Hell of Story with a Capital "H"

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Watching the tornado coverage yesterday, brought me back to my first full time job in TV News.

I was a News Photographer at KTUL in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

I covered more than my share of tornados and every time it was amazing to see just how powerful those twisters can be.

Of all the different video I shot over the years, there is still one shot I can remember to this day.

Read the full story in ScottLand

"Oh My God"

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Oklahoma TV news crews are used to covering tornados.

No one was used to covering what happened Yesterday in Moore, OK.​

A twister cut a mile and half wide path of destruction through ​town ripping through homes, businesses churches and schools.

KFOR Reporter Larry West was on the phone talking to anchors back out the station. He was standing at the what used to be the elementary school in Moore. While he was describing the scene he started to cry. A reporter that has been covering tornados and the damage they leave behind for the past 18 years, was doing a phoner and it all became too much, he broke down.

In just a matter of seconds, everyone watching and all those back at the station knew how bad it was.

Almost 100 people dead, at least 20 of them children, it was a nightmare in Moore.​

TV News Choppers ​became invaluable in showing the damage. 

KFOR Pilot Jon Welsh was one of the first over the scene, his words again told everyone  that covering this storm was going to be different. 

“Oh, my God,” he said, grasping for words as he spotted one of the schools obliterated by the tornado.   

Welsh talked to police in choppers flying near him, he asked them if they needed him to help in anyway.

Welsh told viewers that he "could care less about getting the pictures" it was about trying to do whatever he could to help. ​

For all those news people in Oklahoma that have covered hundreds of storms, it took them a matter of minutes to know that this one was different than all the rest. ​

Networks Head to Oklahoma

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NBC's Today Show was supposed to come to you from Yellowstone National Park this  morning.

It won't.​

​NBC scrapped the plan last night and is sending the entire Today Show crew to Moore instead. 

NBC also has Brian Williams on the way to Moore. CBS says Scott Pelley's broadcast will also emulate from Oklahoma ​as well.

CNN is sending in their "A" team as well. Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper will be some some of the CNN Anchors doing their shows live from the scene. ​

The Boston Bombings, the missing girls in Cleveland and now the deadly tornado in Moore. It has been a May ratings book like no one can remember. 

After Tornado, CBS Pulls Plug on Sitcom


CBS wisely shelved last night's episode of Mike and Molly.​

Even though it was the season finale, the network said it was going to air it last night. 

“Due to the tragic events this afternoon in Oklahoma, we are pre-empting tonight’s season finale of Mike & Mollywhich has a related storyline," CBS said in a statement.

​The season closer featured a tornado hitting Chicago.

Here's the official description for the finale: "Mike and Carl get stuck working at the Renaissance Faire after their boss, Patrick, gets dumped by Mike's mother. Later, as a tornado descends on Chicago, Mike and Molly each confess important news to each other."

Instead, a Mike & Molly repeat will air in its place. The season finale will be broadcast "at an appropriate date."

H/T Hollywood Reporter

Fox News is Outraged by DOJ Investigating Reporter

Fox News is Outraged by DOJ Investigating Reporter

Fox News says it is outraged by a report that said the Justice Department monitored one of its reporters -- even tracking his visits to the State Department -- as it investigated a leak of classified material.

"We are outraged to learn today that James Rosen was named a criminal co-conspirator for simply doing his job as a reporter," said Fox News executive vice president of news Michael Clemente in a statement. "In fact, it is downright chilling. We will unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press." 

More after the leap.   ​

Read More

Robin Meade to Sing National Anthem at NASCAR Race

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It's not the first time she's done it.​

FTVLive favorite, HLN Anchor Robin Meade will be belting out the national anthem at NASCAR's Coke 600 race in Charlotte. 

Meade will also be the emcee for a special pre-race salute to 10,000 U.S. troops according to Charlotte Motor Speedway.

Before the race gets underway, Meade will perform the national anthem.

This isn't Meade's first time singing the Star-Spangled Banner at a NASCAR event.

She performed the national anthem for the Coke 400 summer race at Daytona International Speedway last year.

Tornados Rip Through the Heartland (Updated)


Stations in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri are in full tornado coverage mode.

In Moore, Oklahoma a tornado destroyed the town including and an elementary school packed with kids.​

Also at KSNW, the weather anchors bailed on coverage after a tornado was bearing down on the station. You can watch the video below and you can hear the hail just pounding the roof of the station. ​

Update: KFOR Reporter Lance West started crying on the air while doing a phoner back to the station from near the elementary school. ​

Finally the weather anchors bail and head for a storm shelter:​

The Internal Memo


Here is the internal memo sent to the staff at NBC News announcing their new President: ​

From: "Pat Fili-Krushel (NBCUniversal)" <>
Date: May 20, 2013 6:01:00 AM AKDT
To: "@NBC Uni NBC News All" <>


I am very pleased to announce that Deborah Turness will be joining us as the new President of NBC News beginning Monday, August 5.  She joins Mark Hoffman, Phil Griffin, Jared DiPalma, Elisabeth Sami, Jo O’Brien and Kathy Kelly-Brown on my News Group leadership team. The NBC News team will continue to operate in the current interim structure.

Deborah joins us from ITN-produced ITV News - the United Kingdom’s most-watched commercial TV news programming - where she served as Editor for nine years, responsible for news programming and coverage for the network, its seven bureaus and all its business operations.  More details about her background are included in the press release below.

Through our partnership with ITN, I know many of you have had the opportunity to work with Deborah over the years. She has earned a reputation for being a strong leader, innovator, and respected journalist and I look forward to her joining NBC News.

I have scheduled a series of meetings tomorrow and Wednesday to introduce Deborah to the team.

I want to take this opportunity to recognize the outstanding work and leadership of the senior team who seamlessly led this organization, never missing a beat, even throughout one of the busiest news cycles in recent memory.