Trump Ducks Megyn Kelly Again
While Trump tells voters that he will stand tall against our enemies, he sure does seem to be afraid of Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly.
Fox News announced that Kelly will host a two-hour voter summit, The Kelly File: Face to Face with Candidates, featuring four of the five remaining Republican candidates, on Wednesday, February 24th from Houston, Texas.
Guess which one isn't showing.
Yep...that one.
The Kelly File anchor will engage with the candidates individually on stage and ask them about their policies and where their campaigns stand after Tuesday night’s Nevada caucus and ahead of Super Tuesday.
The candidates that will be in attendance on Wednesday include, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. John Kasich, who will join by remote while his campaign will be stationed in New Orleans, and Sen. Marco Rubio. This special event will also feature an interactive audience of Texas voters who will be able to pose questions to the candidates, each of whom will be on stage one at a time with Kelly.
Trump's campaign claims that he has other events scheduled. But, it's a good bet that you will see him tweeting during this.
Stay tuned....