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CNN's new host W. Kamau Bell, joined Don Lemon on his program on Tuesday to poke fun of the Iowa State Fair. Lemon touted Bell's "visit to one of the whitest places in America." The former Current TV correspondent, who hosted a show on the FX network named Totally Biased, cracked that people at the fair were "taking pictures of me. I don't think it's because I'm famous. It's because I'm a black dude."

The two continued to joke about the fair and the food. It was more like stand up comedy than it was a news program on what claims to be a "news network."

If Anderson Cooper did a live shot from Harlem and claimed, "this is the blackest place in America", we're fairly certain there would be some backlash.

Could you imagine what CNN's media critic Brian Stelter would be saying if Bill O'Reilly did something like this? 

This was not The Daily Show, it was a news show and CNN should be embarrassed in letting this happen on air. 

H/T NewsBusters