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Meredith Names New News Director in Springfield

WFSB Deuce Patience Hettrick is being bumped up inside the Meredith food chain. 

Hettrick is leaving the Assistant News Director job at the Hartford station to become News Director at Meredith's tri-opoly in Springfield, Mass. 

Hettrick is the new ND at WGGB/WSHM and Fox 6 in the market. 

Current WSHM CBS 3 News Director Dave Ward is knocked down and will serve as Assistant News Director for all three local stations.

Jim Tortora, who had been the station manager and vice president of news at WGGB and FOX6, has been kicked to the curb.

"We thank Jim (Tortora) for his service and wish him well in future endeavors," Meredith said. 

Meredith says they will shake up the news operation at all 3 stations "to create a new and enhanced news product for Western Massachusetts."