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Bounced B-More Reporter to Resurface in Atlanta

Back on December 30th of last year, FTVLive FIRST broke the story that WBFF (Baltimore) had fired Reporter Melinda Roeder.

Roeder was pink slipped after airing the controversial story in which she said protestors at a Washington, D.C. rally chanted, ‘We won’t stop, we can’t stop, so kill a cop." 

That was not what the protestors were saying and the station apologized and then canned Roeder and the Photographer that worked on the story. It should be pointed out that insiders claim the story idea came directly from the station's News Director Mike Tomko.

Roeder has now landed a new job in a place with much better weather. She is joining WGCL in Atlanta.

"I'm excited to be working in a top 10 market, but most importantly, I will be working again for a general manager that I worked for years ago in Lexington, Kentucky," Roeder said in an email to The Baltimore Sun. "He's obviously familiar with my work and work ethic." 

As for Fox45, "I understand the station has undergone some major staffing changes.  I wish my former co-workers all the best," she wrote.