Buffalo Weatherman is Busted for Felony DUI
On November 15th, the Buffalo News wrote a glowing article about new WGRZ Weather Anchor Patrick Hammer.
They talked about Hammer moving to Buffalo from Minneapolis after he had to take a job at Target, just to make ends meet.
What the Buffalo News story forgot to mention was that just 12 days earlier, Hammer was busted by police for felony DUI.
Sadly, this is not the first time he was busted for driving drunk.
Cops say that on November 3rd, they arrested Patrick H. Fay – known as Patrick Hammer on air – early in the morning after his vehicle left road and landed in a ditch.
The 43-year-old weather forecaster was charged with aggravated felony DWI because he had a high blood alcohol content reading and also because he had a previous conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol in 2014, according to a police report.
“I asked him how he ended up in the ditch, and he could not come up with an answer,” the arresting officer said in his report.
Police say that Hammer told them he had “a couple of drinks,” yet he could not pass field sobriety tests. Hammer’s blood-alcohol level was higher than .18 percent, which is more than double the state’s legal limit.
Hammer also has a previous conviction for driving while under the influence in Minnesota on Feb. 18, 2014.
When asked why Hammer has been off the air, WGRZ GM Jim Toellner said he could not discuss the reasons.
“We don’t discuss personnel or personal situations,” Toellner said. “He’s on personal leave.”
Of course when the station's main Anchor Scott Levin missed a long stretch of time off air after having back/spine surgery following a car accident the station had no problem talking about that "personal situation."
Guess, it's different when it involves handcuffs.
As for Hammer?
We're sure Target is hiring right now.
Just saying....