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Former Miami TV Anchor Fired from Radio Gig

Former Miami TV Anchor Kelley Mitchell was fired from her radio gig last week.

Mitchell broke the news on her Facebook page that she was fired after three years as the voice of WLRN afternoon drive-time news on the NPR station.

Mitchell, best known in Miami as Rick Sanchez’ sidekick on the WSVN anchor desk for years, wrote that the station got rid of her on the day after Oscar, her Welsh Corgi, underwent its last treatment for cancer.

She has been chronicling the pooch’s battle for his life on the station.

“Thanks, WLRN,” Mitchell wrote, “you fired me one day after . . . Oscar finished his cancer treatment. My best to you, always.” she eventually took down the posting.

Said VP for News Tom Hudson: “WLRN does not comment on personnel issues.”

Of course they don't.

H/T Gossip Extra