Highest Paid ND in SFO
When Fox takes control of KTVU in Oakland, will they make a run at KPIX News Director Dan Rosenheim?
Rumors are flying that KTVU might want to hire Rosenheim to head up their news department when they take over the current Cox station.
But, according to blogger Rich Lieberman, Rosenheim has 350 thousands reasons to stay at the CBS O&O.
Lieberman reports that Rosenheim is the highest-paidNews Director in the Bay Area, making in the neighborhood of $350K a year. That salary puts Rosenheim near the top of all ND's in the country salary wise.
By all indications Rosenheim happy and why shouldn't he be, he has a firm grip on the CBS O and O and has managed to become one of the longest-tenured NDs.
In other words, he isn't leaving and if Fox was interested in, it is unlikely they will land him.
Just saying....