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Will Sinclair Stations Really Have a Choice?

Yesterday, FTVLive FIRST broke the news that Sinclair Broadcasting had hired former CBS Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson to work as an Investigative Reporter for the company.

FTVLive obtained the internal memo that was sent out to staffers at Sinclair stations. In memo from Sinclair Head of News Scott Livingston, he writes " (Attkisson) resigned from CBS News due to frustration over the network's perceived bias..."

Of course Sinclair also as a "perceived bias" as well. The station group owner is well known for their conservative leanings, which appears to lineup perfectly with Attkisson's.

Livingston says that Attkisson will do one to two pieces a month and that all Sinclair stations would be strongly encouraged to run them. 

I think "strongly encouraged" means they really have no choice.

Stay tuned....