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Seattle Station's Name is Mud

KIRO in Seattle had some viewers fuming mad when they cut away from the end of the NCAA game between UNC-Iowa State game.

The game was tied with just seconds to go, Iowa State made a last second shot and North Carolina called a quick time out. 

The refs huddled and looked at a monitor. People watching KIRO could see the video, but were also seeing and HEARING a press conference about the mudslide. They had no clue what was going on in the basketball game and why the refs were in a huddle watching a monitor?

KIRO Viewers then saw the two coaches hug, again no sound as to what was happening.

The refs had decided that the clock had run out before UNC called the time out and Iowa State had won the game. KIRO viewers were totally in the cary as to what happened. Of course, they took to Twitter to voice their displeasure: