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Cancer Free

WKMG (Orlando) Traffic Reporter Jessica Sanchez took on cancer and kicked it's ass!

Sanchez is coming back to the station next week. 

"I am pleased to announce that Jessica Sanchez continues to get positive news from her doctors," WKMG General Manager Skip Valet said Tuesday. "Jessica tells us her oncologist reports recent tests are negative, and after a year-long battle, her cancer is gone."

Sanchez's take: "I am ecstatic. I'm out of breath. I've been calling everyone."

On March 16 last year, the station announced that Sanchez was battling stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Sanchez is coming back to the station but will be working off air as she gets familiar with some new equipment the station purchased.

"Six months ago, I didn't think I would ever feel right again," she said. "It feels so good to say I see the light again. I see normal again."

Awesome news!

H/T Orlando Sentinel