Social Media is Part of the Job
It wasn't long ago when TV station's were hiring "web people" with a emphasis on "social media."
And TV station's weren't the only ones doing this, companies outside of TV were hiring "Social Media Managers."
But, now those jobs are changing or going away altogether. Now, just about everyone at the station is on or is expected to be on social media.
Check out a job listing for a TV station and it is likely no matter what the job is, somewhere in the listing it will say social media.
The problem is, should the station be able to own your personal Twitter or Facebook account?
The answer is no, but they can monitor it.
The best thing you can do is start a Twitter and Facebook account centered around your job. And then use that account only to post job related stuff.
Use it to tease stories, promote a station webpage and don't ever use it to post any personal opinion.
As more types of social media are born, TV people need to stay up with the times. reports that overall, jobs with social media in the title grew by 50% over the last year, a much slower rate than in the recent past. Meanwhile, jobs that mention social media in the description but not the title gained 89%, according to Indeed, the big jobs site. The data covers jobs listed from end of August 2012 to end of August 2013.
In the previous year, social media jobs grew twice as fast—by more than 100%. Indeed says that the genre is less seen as a separate entity within an organization and becoming more specific, and sprinkled within many departments.
Job seekers who search beyond the social media title will find 13 times as many jobs that include work connecting and sharing via the growing array of social media outlets, Indeed says.
Positions with photo sharing app Instagram in the title gained 644% and those involving Vine grew at 154%, according to Indeed.
No longer is the social media job only that of the nerdy "web guy" stuck in the corner of the newsroom. Now everyone is the social media person at the station.
And as St. Louis Anchor Larry Connors and so may others have proved, its a job you better take seriously and watch what you say...or Tweet.